Jesús Rafael Soto (Venezuela, 1923 – France, 2005) is regarded as one of the most important artists of the 20th century.

During the 50s, he moved to Paris where he experienced the vibrant artistic atmosphere that was happening in the capital of France. It was in this environment where he decided to explore new artistic possibilities, focusing on the study of the three-dimensional space.

His works are mainly composed by subtle striped bars that he placed in front of planes. With these bars Soto achieved a wide range of optical effects, leading the viewer to perceive movement, that is not happening, is illusory.

Jesus R. Soto, c. 1970. Photo by Lothar Wolleh.


"Negro sobre blanco/Blanco sobre negro", Cayón, 2012.
"Negro sobre blanco/Blanco sobre negro", Cayón, 2012.
"Negro sobre blanco/Blanco sobre negro", Cayón, 2012.
"Soto Virtual", Cayón, 2016.
"Soto Virtual", Cayón, 2016.
"Soto Múltiple", Cayón, 2018.
"Soto Múltiple", Cayón, 2016.


Jesus Soto